
Youth Congress 2023

06 Oct, 2023 Holy Cross Monastery, Mono, Ontario

The registration form for the Youth Congress is open!
This year the retreat will take place between October 6th and 9th and is intended for youth aged 17-30. It will be located in Orangeville, Ontario at the Valley of the Mother of God Christian Retreat Centre (953376 – 7th Line EHS, Mono, ON). The total cost per person will be $320 Canadian Dollars.
As is the case every year, the Youth Congress requires the presence of a delegate from each parish in our Metropolia. If you would like to be a delegate from your parish, we encourage you to address this with your parish priest. For those of you who are parish delegates, your parish should be covering the cost of travel and attendance. If your parish is unable to cover these expenses or if you require financial assistance, we encourage you to reach out to us directly.
While the main focus of this retreat will be the Youth Congress, participants will also take part in church services, conferences, workshops, and discussions on various topics. We will also be organizing indoor and outdoor games, and team-building activities in hopes of encouraging the formation of long-lasting friendships.
Please register here by September 22nd :